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Sharen (Xi) 10:1 (OUT OF STOCK)

Classical Name:
(Burmese) Amomum
Amomi Fructus
Amomum villosum fruit
Herbs that Descend the Yang and Regulate Counterflow (降陽)
Organic, soluble quinoa powder
Growing Location:
Burma (wild-crafted)
Traditional Preparation:
Made from Burmese amomum species (favored by the Fire Spirit School of Chinese herbalism); husks are removed, then traditionally processed by frying in high quality sea salt (increases the effect of drawing qi downward to the lower burner).


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About Sharen (Xi) 10:1 (OUT OF STOCK)

Note: this is a 10:1 herbal extract. When using in a formula with 5:1 extracts, use only a half dose normally used for a 5:1 extract.